Residents of Solar Space is a research-based design project about the changing relationship between humans and the sun. This website archives the visual material, documents and articles accessed during the research.
a story about the sun
       solar conditions
       sun and skin
       sun and energy
       sun and technology
       sun and time



- Unpredictable sun -

Although the sun on our horizon seems like a constant, reliable companion, nothing could be further from the truth. September 1859: The Carrington Event
: As a result of the massive solar flare and accompanying geomagnetic storm, auroras could be seen worldwide on September 1, 2 and 3, 1859. The gigantic solar flare not only provided a magnificent spectacle, but in a single second completely shut down telegraphic communication traffic in the United States and Europe. Lines were disrupted and telegraph poles caught fire. A similar event - in today's society dependent on
high-tech and satellite communications
- would lead to a global catastrophe. Satellites, servers, communication systems, power plants would become inoperable in an instant. To prevent this, solar activity and space weather are carefully monitored so that action can be taken in time

- Rhythmic sun -
A closer look at the sun reveals a dynamic and unpredictable cosmic body.
, for example, are capable of sending energy bursts far into interplanetary space. These cooler regions on the surface, formed by intense magnetic activity, follow an 11-year cyclical pattern. Although these rhythmic fluctuations of energy are not directly perceptible to the naked eye or consciously felt, it has a significant impact on our daily lives. It affects our circadian rhythms, which in turn affects our development, metabolism and daily information processing. Rhythmic fluctuations in solar activity are reflected in blood flocculation and cell yield, while peaks and troughs in solar activity are associated with global epidemics. Underlying this, according to many scientists, is a global vitamin D deficiency - due to a change in ozone layer thickness and associated excessive weakening of UV radiation. 


- Harvest of sun rays -                                                                                                                                        
The fate of life on Earth depends on cosmic processes. We live not only on Earth, but also in solar space. Man also learned to make clever use of its energy, heat and light. For
drying bricks
bleaching cloth
harvesting salt
. From
solar architecture
navigation systems
,solar boosters, solar water heaters, to the latest solar cell technology. 

As humans have slowly depleted the energy resources beneath the earth's crust, energy generated by the sun's rays is becoming an increasingly important resource. With these renewable sources connected to the grid, the answer to the planetary crisis looks like the status quo rather than a radical departure from our comfortable, unlimited energy consumption. Electric cars powered by solar energy, our household and industries powered by the harvest of the solar panels on our roof. The concept of green growth suggests that our economies can continue to grow without limit by simply replacing polluting fossil fuels with renewable energy and environmentally friendly technologies. It is contradictory to believe that the answer to waste, pollution and dwindling resource availability lies in building even more
. An illusion we are only too happy to believe because it is not as threatening to the status quo as more radical proposals like degrowth
. Even with more efficient production techniques, higher efficiency of solar panels and greater diffusion of technology, the energy transition is not realistic
. In addition to harvesting solar energy to provide us with electricity, scientists are working to build our own sun. A nuclear fusion-based solar power plant would potentially provide energy with very little matter, but this technology also has limitations. Although the amount of radioactive waste is smaller than nuclear fission, it remains a challenge. The use of the substance tritium also adds an additional limitation. Scarce resources and knowledge about a crucial technology also brings geopolitical challenges. Finally, the lack of access to this energy can foster great inequality
. The realization that materials are not available indefinitely requires an adjustment of our demand and ability to work within the constraints imposed by nature, even with promising renewable technology.